Academic CV

Curriculum Vitae

Suzanne Stempel Housley           Environmental Scientist

[email protected]

Research Interests Include: Stormwater, Combined Sewage Overflows, Geochemistry, Environmental Policy, Environmental Sociology, Environmental Education, Citizen Science,  Superfund Activities, Gowanus Canal



Professional Experience

2007- 2010    Environmental Specialist

                            Natural Resources Management Office, Brevard County, FL

Major Responsibilities:

  • Oversaw monitoring efforts and data management for all stormwater projects  within the County
  • Developed and executed monitoring plans
  • Analyzed data/ produced final monitoring reports
  • Coordinated Stormwater (NPDES) and Hazardous Waste (RCRA) compliance for over 100 County facilities

Research/ Teaching Experience



Technical Reports

S. Stempel, 2010. Lake Washington Stormwater Management Project: Final Technical Monitoring Report. Prepared for Brevard County Natural Resources Management Office. Submitted to Florida Department of Environmental Protection May 19, 2010.

S. Stempel, 2010. Chain of Lakes Regional Stormwater Management Project: Final Technical Monitoring Report. Prepared for Brevard County Natural Resources Management Office. Submitted to Florida Department of Environmental Protection April 20, 2010.

S. Stempel, 2009. Sarno Lakes Stormwater Management Project: Final Technical Monitoring Report. Prepared for Brevard County Natural Resources Management Office. Submitted to Florida Department of Environmental Protection February 11, 2009.

Lesson Plans

S. Stempel, A.Lamb, S. Ceraldi. “Is This a Healthy Body of Water?” L.E.A.F. Anthology of Best Practices in Urban Environmental Education. The Nature Conservancy. (in press; expected 2013)


S. Housley (Stempel). Citizen Science in Action: How Conserving Water during Rain Events can Help Reduce the Amount of Pollution Present in Combined Sewage Overflows to the Gowanus Canal. New York City Water Quality Monitoring Workshop, New York New Jersey Harbor Estuary Program. Septemper 18, 2013.

S. Housley (Stempel). J. Miller. The “Foul Stench” of the Gowanus: A Mixing Zone of Public Participation, Local Action, and Community Influence. City University of New York. G.E.O.S. Lecture Series. May 2, 2013.

S. Stempel, A. Lamb, S. Ceraldi, 2012. Inner City Estuary: Using a Classroom Aquarium as a Common Thread through an Urban Ecology Course. Presentation:  National Science Foundation GK-12 National Conference, Washington D.C., March 17, 2012.

S. Stempel, 2012. Water Conservation to Reduce Wet Weather Pollutant Loads to the Gowanus Canal, Brookyln, NY. Poster Presentation. Society for Ecological Restoration Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference. Brooklyn, NY. March 23, 2012.

Fellowships/ Awards

  • National Science Foundation Gk-12 Fellow (2011-2013)
  • New York City Brownfield Partnership Scholarship Award  (2011; 2013)

Special Training/ Certifications

  • Florida DEP certified for  surface, ground, and waste water sampling
  • Florida Certified Stormwater, Erosion, and Sediment Control Inspector
  • OSHA certified 8-hour hazardous waste first responder
  • OSHA  certified 40 hr. HazWhopper
  • Trained in FDEP and EPA STORET Database Utility
  • Trained in SWMM and PCSWMM stormwater modeling utility
  • Advanced Training in AcrView GIS
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